Part 25: Body Heat

Part 25: Body Heat

Episode II
Of the Adventures of John and Holly

Part 25: Body Heat

Saturday morning we awoke to find the heat was dead. No heat in November means it is very cold in our apartment. Stephanie and Sandy didn’t want to stay, so they went to a friend’s house.

“They can’t be here till Monday” Holly said, getting off the phone and sitting next to me on the couch. We both had sweats on. “We could take advantage of it being this cold” I said. “How” Holly asked me. “Body Heat” I said.

A few minutes later we were both naked, with a huge blanked wrapped around both of us, our bodies wrapped together. Holly’s nipples, still hard from the cold, poking my back, as she laid facing my back, her body against mine, her arms around me. We laid on the couch, wrapped in blankets, and each other. “mmm” Holly softly moaned, enjoying the warmth we shared. “I could lay here like this forever” Holly said. “I know what you mean” I responded. We did lay there for a while, falling asleep.

A few hours later, I woke up, still feeling Holly pressing in to me. I turned around, carefully not to disturb her. Now we were face to face, our bodies pressed together. Holly woke up. “mmm hey babe” She said. Her eyes opening, and looking back into mine. I stared into her eyes, the woman that I loved. Holly had a smile sweep over her face. Our arms wrapped around each other, we laid together, sharing our warmth. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you” I said to Holly. Her smile seemed to get bigger, and I thought that was as big as it got. “Who needs jobs, or heat, we can just lay right here forever” I said. “That would be fun, but we would be missing out on lots of sex” Holly said. “True” I agreed. “We could make up for it though, making love” Holly said.

Holly took our bodies and rolled up on top of me. Our bodies pressed together at every point. Blankets all around us. Her face just above mine. Holly slowly lowered her lips to mine. Slowly kissing, our mouths making love to each other. Holly closed her eyes, as she always did when she kissed me. Our hands now finding their way over the other’s body. Massaging and playing slowly. My cock was growing, and pushing against her body. “Make love to me” Holly said softly. Holly slid down a bit. She sent one hand down to my cock. She held my cock up to her pussy lips, slightly wet. Her attention shifted back up to my eyes again, as my cock slowly penetrated just into her. Holly lowered her hips, slowly forcing my cock all the way inside her. Our bodies sharing their warmth, now our bodies mixed together. Our love organs melting into each other. My cock throbbing inside of her, Holly began a slow movement back and forth, her body on top of mine. Her pussy slowly massaged my cock.

Holly moved up, her lips against mine. Our mouths mingled together, making love, as did our private parts. Holly still maintained a slow steady thrust of her hips.
Her love slit producing juices that dripped down my cock. Holly deepened the stroke of her body, my cock going further in and out of her. Holly put her hands on my chest, raising herself up. Her body rose above mine, she thrusted her hips down against mine. She increased the pace, her pussy thrusting around my cock faster and harder, juices flowing. My hands wandered down to her lovely round ass; hand on each cheek, as she thrusted against me. Our bodies still under the blankets, Holly looked down at me, breathing heavy, smiling slightly through her open mouth. She moaned slowly. I sent one hand down from her ass, to her pussy. She was still making love to me, my hand now playing with her pussy above my cock. Holly, maybe without knowing it, increased the pace, getting us both closer and closer to orgasm.

Both of us breathing hard, our bodies getting sweaty under our blankets, making love on our couch. Holly’s pussy contracted around my cock. Throbbing inside of her, she squeaked orgasmic moans. Her body shaking, she lowered herself back on top of me. The top of her head against my chin, her head turned to the side, with an ear on my chest. Her arms wrapped around me, mine around her. My cock still throbbing resting inside of her still. I rubbed her back with my hands, laying back. “I love you” Holly said softly, still laying on me. We laid there, bodies tight against each other, falling to sleep again.

I awoke to Holly hovering over me, our bodies still in contact all over. “Hey babe,…you want to go again” Holly whispered, smiling at me. I smiled back at her. We moved our bodies around. Now we were laying on our left sides, holly in front of me, facing away from me. Holly raised her right leg up high in the air, her pussy now exposed in the open. My chest against her back, I guided my cock to her waiting love slit. Penetrating her from behind, I wrapped my arms around her, holding her breasts in my hands. I thrusted my hips up and forward, my cock slowly stroking inside of Holly. “Uh uh uh” I breathed. Holly’s right hand behind her, holding onto my side. “Make love to me” Holly said in a breathy voice. I took her cue, switching to a higher pace, thrusting inside of her. Her hot wet tight slit having fun with my cock.

I was close to coming. I sent my right hand down to her pussy, playing with her just above where my cock was doing its work. I was moaning louder and faster as I got closer. Our sweaty bodies slapping together, moans escaping the heap of warmth that was us. I came, blasting jizz deep inside of Holly, as I struggled to keep thrusting into her. My chest heaving into her back as my orgasm subsided. My cock slowly receding from inside her, as it shrunk. Her pussy slowly dripped thick white cum from her slit. She laid in my arms, sweat soaked flesh rubbing together. We laid together for seemingly ages. “Holly…I Love you so much” I said, now in the calm after the heavy breathing and moaning and groaning. “I Love you” She responded. Complete, we stayed didn’t want the moment to end.

Of course, the moment did end. “We need to shower” Holly said. It no longer seemed so cold in here, under blankets, our sweaty bodies had made the cold disappear. “We are a bit sweaty” I said. “A bit?” Holly asked incredulously. We rose and walked through our bedroom to the bathroom. We stepped into the hot streaming water of the shower. We stood face to face under the running water. Holly had her arms wrapped around my shoulders. My hands on her hips, as we embraced the warm water. I moved my right hand down to her pussy. Slowly pushing in one finger, I found her dripping pussy, a combination of juices and jizz, slowly dripping from her. I slowly fucked her with one and then two fingers as we held each other.

I pushed Holly against the wall of the shower, leaning in to her, our mouths merging, tongues playing. Now I was putting three fingers inside of her, over and over. Holly was moaning as she was being fingered. My other hand playing with her tits, playing with her nipples and jiggling her breasts. Slowly I kissed down to her nipples, stopping to suck and play with each one. Then I kissed down her stomach to her slit. On my knees, I lapped up and down on her lips. I could taste the sex fluids. Holly leaning against the wall, I made love to her pussy, pleasing her as best as I could. She flooded my mouth with her juices, rewarding me, as she orgasmed, piercing the air with her passionate sounds of pleasure.

Once we finished ‘showering’, Holly fixed dinner and I helped. And by helped I mean that I stood behind her, groping her tits and ass. Playful groping, it sure makes the time pass. Eventually we kept our hands off each other long enough to sit down to dinner. Sitting across from each other, one candle burning between us, the lights off.

Of course we ate naked. As we were finishing up, I found myself staring into her eyes again, her beautiful brown eyes. “What?” Holly asked, giggling. I suddenly realized that I had been staring at her for some time. “I can’t help it” I said. “I want to marry you” I said, calmly. “Is this the big question.” Holly asked me, blushing. “No, I was just saying” I replied, playfully. “Well, I want to have a litter of your babies” Holly said, still giggling. “I was thinking of names for our kids” I said, seriously. “Let’s hear them” Holly said, smiling. “John Jr 1, John Jr 2, John Jr 3, and so on, and for girls Johnette Jr 1” I said, laughing at my own joke. “Your so lame” Holly said, smiling at me. “No but seriously, Hohn and Jolly, what do you think.” I said, smiling big. Holly rolled her eyes.

“I thought we could be serious” Holly said, still smiling. “Yes I want kids, you want to go work on it right now?” I said, toying with her some more. She still maintained her big smile. I could tell she really did want to talk seriously about us. “I do want to marry you, but we can’t get married now, I just figured we would do it after graduation” I said. “Oh you figured…were you going to tell me, or were you just going to invite me to the wedding?” Holly asked, now toying with me. “I love you Holly, I love you, I always will. I want to marry you. I want to share my life with you. I want to have children with you. And I want to grow old with you. And I want to die with you” I said, straight faced. Staring into her eyes, she started to tear up a bit. “How many kids?” She asked me, fighting back her tears, somewhat unsuccessfully. “Thirty Seven” I said, straight-faced, returning to the playful. “What, you could handle it” I said matter-of-factly. Holly played back at me, “Or maybe you need to find about ten other women, we could convert to Mormon” Holly said, seriously, but obviously playing around. I reached one hand up, rubbing my chin, putting on that thinking hard face. “That give me an idea” I said. That one got a laugh out of her. After a pause, “So, you want to go in the other room and make some babies” I said.

A few minutes later, we were on our bed, in the dark, naked. Of course it would be hard to make babies when one of us is on the pill. I got on the bed first, Holly hopping on after me. “So, what do you want to do” Holly asked me, excited. “We could invent a new position” I said, hopeful. “Those usually involve acrobatics, let’s keep it simple” Holly said. “I just want to please you” I said. “Well I want to please you” Holly said, beaming in the darkness. “Well I guess that settles that” I said.

Holly turned around, and I pulled her ass up to me. It took only seconds before we were in a sixty-nine, Holly on top. I quickly went to lapping at her mound of flesh. Holly was blowing me hard and fast. Her sucking sounds filling the room. I tried to counter, eating her faster and faster. I played with her clit fiercely, her slit dripping. Both of us approaching orgasm, I pushed two fingers inside of her. The sudden penetration sent her over the edge. Holly came hard, her body out of control. She had her face shoved down, my cock in all the way, as she tried to yell out. The vibrations and her tongue moving, combined with the extended deepthroat pushed me over the edge. I blasted cum down her throat.

Soon we laid back, panting. After some silence, I decided to break the tension. “you know what has to be confusing?” I said. “What?’” Holly managed through her breaths. “The little swimmers, going down your throat. They have their maps out, saying to each other ‘this doesn’t look right at all, we should have taken a left back there’” I said. Holly literally laughed out loud. I just smiled in the darkness. My woman was happy, so I was happy. Love, it’s quite a wonderful feeling. Believe me, it blows away being blown.

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