Desert Motorcycle Part II

Desert Motorcycle Part II

All afternoon your mind keeps thinking about what happened.
You have had the fantasy of being taken forcefully for awhile and when it actually happened....
'God'! 'Stop this', you scream in your mind.
You are so thankful that David, your husband, is out of town. If he had answered the door how would you have explained the roses and the note?
Still it is nagging at you so! You could be killed or worst. Those hard eyes. The hard body. The mystery!
I watch from the highest hill top. Dressed in a jet black Moto-X suit, with black helmet and black gloves.
The helmet is painted with the same demon face as the red one.
The motorcycle is a big red Honda CR 500.
I wonder if you will show. I wonder if it is the police that will come instead.
I am confident with the canyons and bluffs in this area I can even loose a helicopter if they try to catch me. Hell, there were likely 20 or 30 other desert riders in the area and you could only give them a scant description at best. DNA would get me but I was counting on you not reporting it.
Your arousal had both surprised and pleased me. Such passion and sensuality in so beautiful a woman too.
I had paid the tow truck drive for your new tire, the service and an extra hundred to get me your address from your auto registration.

If you show it will be money well spent.

I have never done anything close to what I did to you but there you were and even from the top of this hill I could tell you were so beautiful.
I have taken the green Kawasaki home and brought the Honda back. My motor home is parked and I have dinner almost fixed and wine chilling.
If you show I am going to try and make a real relationship with you.

If all you want is the 'rough' stuff then I am going to give you more than you can handle. It will depend on you.
15 minutes of 5. I scan the main highway with my binoculars.
The desert is hot but will cool quickly once the sun is down. There is some wind so I an not that hot under the helmet. As long as I keep the goggles off I will not sweat that bad.
I see a flash in the distance. Raising my glasses I see a vehicle coming.
I kick the bike to life. Ready to tear away if it is the cops.
I return to watching the vehicle. It is a car. It is coming slowly. Stopping at each little dirt turn off. I think it must be you. Looking for the place where you tried to turn around and blew out your tire.
Storing the binoculars, I head for you.
The terrain is easy riding so I hit close to a hundred and am stopped in front of you in the middle of the highway almost before you realize it.
'Holy Shit'! I realize you might run over me. Or shoot me. 'Payback can be hell'! (could not resist a little humor here. You wouldn't really run over me would you?)
You look up to the road and like a ghost, there is a dirt bike in front of you, about 200 yards away.
The rider is dressed all in black and the bike is hot red.
Your stomach does a flip. You are scared already and the sudden appearance startles you even more.
'What am I doing here'? 'I am out of my mind'!
You stop in the road.
I ride toward you and stop beside your window.
You lower it a little.
Like before, I say nothing.
'God, the black makes him even more demon like and evil looking', you think.
I point back the way you came and ride that way a little.
I beckon for you to come with me.
This time you are very careful turning your car around and when you are headed in the same direction I am, I roll down the highway slowly waving for you to follow me.
A short distance and I turn right on a better side road.
You follow and we travel about 5 miles into the desert. Over a couple of high hills and pass some impressive canyons and bluffs.
We turn a corner and you see a 40 foot motor home parked near some ugly stunted trees.
I stop the bike, lean it against the motorcycle trailer and indicate for you to park nearby.
You sit in your car beating yourself up for being so crazy as to follow your rapist into the deep desert.
I walk over to your door. Hold out my hand to you.
Still scared to death you open the door and get out. You look incredible.
Light yellow mini, sleeveless white halter top. Brown sandals.
You start to tear into me about what I have done to you but stop when I take off the black goggles, black gloves and undo the chin strap of the helmet.
I step close to you and offer you both of my hands.
Stunned a little you give me your hands.
I step against you and move your hands to the sides of the helmet.
You lift it slowly to see a smiling red to blond haired man, with twinkling blue/green eyes, clean shaven and about 25 to 30 years old.

There is a disturbingly cruel look to his eyes. His look hard and angry.
Before you can say a word I pull you to me and kiss you hard.
You drop the helmet and feeling your knees go weak, melt into my arms, pressing your body against me.
I kiss you harder, my hands on your back, feeling your shoulders and down to the small of your back.
'You are so beautiful, I am almost sorry about what I did to you'. 'If I had not, you would not be here, so I am glad', I think.
I kiss you again. Holding you so close I can feel your heart pounding against my chest.
I turn and almost drag you toward the door of the motor home.
It is unlocked and I pull you inside.
I push you down to your knees and make you unzip the MOTO-X pants. My hard red tipped, blood filled dick springing out.
With my hands in your hair you suck it. Lick it and nibble on the knob. Pre-cum in your mouth. It throbs with every attention you give.
'Suck it bitch'! 'Suck it like your cunt does'!
Looking up to see your effect on my face. I am smiling with lust, moving my hips to fuck your beautiful mouth.
'You suck like a slut, a good dick slut'! 'I'm going to fuck you to death'!
I pull you up and stripe you. Quickly, hurting you some when I practically jerk you bra off.
I tell you, 'Undress me'. It is an order, not a request.
You resent it but feel I will hurt you if you don't obey.
You want me to slow down but I pull you to the bedroom, push you down on the bed, spread you and slam my dick inside you. It hurts but you are so excited and still scared. You immediately begin to move with me and orgasm from the stress if nothing else quickly.
I am holding myself above you on my hands and arms and watch as you wither under me, eyes closed, gasping and moaning as I fuck you hard through your orgasm.
'Fuck me, fuck me bitch, make that hole work'. 'Suck the cum out of my dick, suck me you whore.'
I lower myself on to your body, still thrusting in you but slower and say, 'You are good'. 'You had best plan on staying for awhile'. 'I am going to fuck you all I want and send you home sore and full of jizz'.
I feel the pressure building so I roll off and push you down to suck me again. I love oral but it takes me a long time to cum from just a woman's mouth.
I watch as you stoke and lick me again. I rub your jaws to help keep them from being tired.
'Suck it good, make your dick hole mouth feel like your cunt'. 'Make it swell and throb bitch'.

After awhile I pull you around so I can see your pussy and put my thumb in you. My pointing finger into your anal opening too.
'I'm going fuck this hole too'. 'You will be raw for days'. 'Keep licking that dick cunt, suck it hard too'!
You stop but I push you back down. I match your movements with my thumb and finger. Fucking your mouth with my dick and your beautifully trimmed pussy and ass with my hand.
I can feel you getting wetter and wetter. You are responding to my fingers so nice.
I make you get on.
I make you guide me in.
'Stick it in, I hope it hurts'. 'I am going to make it hurt'.
'Ride me slut'! 'Suck the cum out of me whore'!
I grip your hips tightly and guide you up and down on my shaft. Sometimes pulling your cheeks apart more to feel me pushing deep inside you.
When you begin to use me, I bite your nipples, a little too hard but careful to not injure you.
Building up and up. I grab both of your breasts and squeeze. Pumping in you hard to match your thrusts we begin to cum. Both of us are almost screaming, I shoot hard at least 3 times and must just hang on as you continue.
Ebbing now. Spent. You collapse on my chest. I want to pet and stroke you but I am committed to not being gentle with you.
'You are a good fuck'. 'I am going to fuck you all night'. 'You will be my fuck whore'.
I hold you on until I am soft and come out.
We separate and I lay and admire you.
It is so incredible that this beautiful woman, a woman that can have any man she wants. A married woman comes to the desert to be fucked by a complete stranger.
I get up, go to the bathroom and get a towel. I bring it back and order you to dry me then yourself.
I hand you my MOTO-X shirt and take a pair of silk jogging shorts out of a drawer.
I pull you up off the bed and we go to the kitchen dining area.
I sit you on the sofa, go to the fridge and get the bottle of wine chilling there.
The shirt is too big but you look so sexy in the black.
I pour two glasses, give you one and take mine to get the pasta back on the heat.
I tell you to come and make us a salad. It is not a request but an order. You want to flare up and tell me off but my look makes you obey. I seem to have terrible mood swings. Hot and lustful one minute to cold and mean the next.
'What have I gotten myself into is all you can think'?
When you come near me I kiss you hard again. I am staying rough but would love to just hold you. I know you have come for something else and I am determined to give it to you.

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