Young Amy fights her desires.

Young Amy fights her desires.

Over the weekend, Amy thought about Max having fucked her. Yes, she was sure in her mind that is what had happened Friday afternoon. Max had fucked her. It wasn't her fault. But she kept thinking about it and thinking about it, and the thoughts kept making her feel a sexual tingling sensation in her loins which caused her hand to stray between her thighs to rub.

Now it was Monday afternoon, and school was out. It had been hard to keep her hand from between her thighs during her classes, but somehow she had managed. Now walking home, she could feel the wetness of her panties and her pussy and clitoris straining to be...what? Rubbed. Yes, rubbed. Amy found herself increasing her pace to almost a run in her hurry to get home. Her mother would be gone, and she would be home alone. She wasn't really going to do anything sexual, she told herself. She just wanted to get home to do... well, she wasn't sure what yet.

The young 15-year-old entered her house and went straight to her bedroom. At first she sat at her desk to start her homework, but she could not concentrate on it. Maybe she would just get on her bed and read.

And so she lay back on her bed with her pillows behind her back and started to read. But still she could not concentrate on her reading. Seemingly against her will, her thoughts strayed to last Friday again, and her left hand moved down to between her thighs and started rubbing her wet panties. She could feel her pussy lips swelling and its juices seeping even more through her panties.

"Stop that." she told herself, and she put her hand back. to her book. Two minutes later, she put the book down.

Licking her parched lips, she decided to go into the kitchen to get something to drink. Of course, on the way to the kitchen, she had to pass the sliding glass door to the backyard, and as she did so, she looked outside.

There was Max, sleeping on the porch. Amy felt herself flush and her chest tighten. She went to the cupboard, got a drinking glass, and filled it half full of water from the faucet.

Why was her hand trembling, Amy wondered, as she held the glass to her lips.

As she returned to her bedroom, she again started to pass by the sliding glass door. But this time she stopped when she saw Max.

"I'll just let Max in the house for awhile. He looks lonely out there." Amy said to herself.

Max's ears perked up, as he heard the glass door scrape open, and he bounded into the house obviously happy to be let in. He put his front paws on Amy's skirt and licked at her hand. This made Amy's chest tighten even more than it had been.

"Stop that, Max." she said, as she pushed the Black Lab down.

She returned to her bedroom, hearing Max following behind her. Getting back on her bed, she began to read her book, but her thoughts were elsewhere. Her eyes closed, and her left hand again moved down to between her thighs. Her panties were very wet as her fingers found her wanting pussy. Rubbing, she could feel her pussy lips swelling again. She felt naughty, but still, it was a tantalizing feeling. Her hand slid under her panties and between her pussy lips. Warm and slippery.

Oh, that feels good, she thought.

Amy's eyes slowly opened and she glanced over to Max. He was sitting in the middle of the floor watching her with ears perked.

"No, I'm not doing anything like that again." she said to herself. It was too nasty. It was wrong. It was...

A slight moan escaped her lips.

"My panties are too wet." Amy said to her self. She draped her legs over the edge of the bed and removed her panties, but her hand returned to her pussy, and she lay back on her right elbow, her eyes on Max.

She was trying to resist the temptation that she was having...wasn't she? But she couldn't help herself. Slowly she moved her pussy closer to the edge of the bed and spread her knees apart.

"Come here, Max." Amy breathed.

This time, Max did not hesitate. He moved quickly to Amy and began licking.

Oh yes, Amy thought. Oh God, that feels so good, just as she had remembered.

Max's thick tongue licked and licked, sliding between Amy's pussy lips, teasing her clitoris, and poking into her vagina.

Then Max stopped, and Amy saw him prepared to mount her like he had Friday. But this time, Amy knew what he had in mind, and panicking, she got up quickly, pushing him away.

She wasn't going to let him do that again. It wasn't right. It just wasn't right.

Amy pushed Max away from the bed, but Max raised up and pushed back. Amy lost her balance and fell to the floor, her head and shoulders up against the side of her bed.

Max moved around and over her and licked her face. He was obviously agitated. Amy's eyes strayed to his hindquarters. His cock extended out from its sheath, bouncing with every breath he took.

As Max straddled her and licked her face, Amy's hand was drawn to Max's cock and wrapped around it. This action caused Max to stop his movements. Amy could tell he liked what she was doing. She could feel his thick cock throbbing in her hand, but she couldn't see what she was doing, and she wanted to see. Amy tried to push Max's front legs out of the way so she could see better, but the dog would not move.

Amy wanted to see, but how?

Max put his right paw up on the bed and moved closer. Then his left paw rose up onto the bed, and he moved even closer...only inches from Amy's face.

Now she could see it. There was his cock. Right in front of her. She watched fascinated, as her hand moved on his throbbing member. As Max adjusted his front paws on the bed, his cock moved even closer to her face and his hindquarters began to trust with every stroke of her hand.

Amy suddenly thought about what one of her girlfriends had told her. That boys liked to have their cocks sucked. She had wondered what it would be like to do that. Could she really do that? It seemed so...nasty. She could feel the blood in her temples, pulsing. She found herself almost straining to breathe, and she felt kind of light-headed.

Could she...would this cock? This cock that was right there, right there in front of her face?

Amy told herself, "No." But as she was doing so, she licked her lips and pulled Max's hindquarters closer to her, pulling Max's cock closer, closer. It was right there. Right there in front of her face. In front of her mouth.

Slowly her lips parted, and she moved her head forward and pulled Max to her.

The tip of Max's cock slid into her mouth. She tasted its saltiness. It wasn't bad, not bad at all. Kind of like salt licorice.

Max felt his swollen cock enter his owner's mouth. Felt the warmth...the wetness...and then the sucking. His cock wasn't in a pussy, which he was familiar with, but hey, this was okay. Yes, this was different, but it sure felt good. Real good.

He thrust his cock further into Amy's and and out. With each thrust, he panted. It almost sounded to Amy's mind like, "Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her, fuck her." It seemed to make Amy even hotter. Amy couldn't believe what she was doing, but now she didn't care. She had instinctively started sucking Max's cock. Tasting him. Running her tongue over his shaft, feeling its curves and bumps. She was fascinated by the way his cock slid between her lips and over her tongue, jabbing at her throat. The throbbing hardness of his thick cock in her mouth, thrusting in and and out.

Max thrust harder and deeper into Amy's sucking mouth. As the cock tip hit at her throat, Amy gagged. She tried to push Max back some, but Max would have none of that. He growled and thrust deeper. It wasn't a pussy, but it felt so good, and he was going to fuck it. Fuck it until he was done. As always, once he had his cock in, he was in charge. He was the master.

With female dogs, he would push his cock in far enough that its knot would fix inside the pussy. Instinctively Max tried to push further into Amy's mouth.

After Max's growls, Amy stopped trying to push him away. But her mouth was only so deep. Max's cock thrust at the entrance to her throat again, causing Amy again to gag. She didn't like the gagging, but what could she do?

Maybe if she could relax her throat. Could she?

She tried relaxing her throat, and on the fourth thrust after she did, the tip of Max's cock entered the tunnel of her throat. Amy felt the cock rub at the top of her throat, and she gagged slightly. But as the gag ended, Max's cock head entered her throat again...then again.

Amy's eyes widened as Max's cock drove further into her mouth, down her throat, and she saw the cock's huge knot getting closer to her puckered pink lips. Closer...closer.

Then without notice, her throat and mouth began to fill with Max's cum. Amy was not prepared. Some of it shot down her throat, and with her mouth full, globs of his cum dripped from her lips onto her blouse. So much was shooting into her mouth, she had to swallow and swallow. The slimy, salty juices sliding down her throat.

Finally the flow stopped, and Max brought his front paws down from the bed. He looked at Amy's face seeming to examine his accomplishment, then moved over to the closet door, curled up, and began cleaning himself with his tongue. Amy wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and licked her lips, then just sat there, stunned at what she had done.

A smile formed on her face. But she wasn't completely satisfied.

What next?

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