Mr. Malcolm

Mr. Malcolm

"I know" Samantha said through the phone as she enters Ms. Parker house. Samantha a twenty-four-year-old caregiver for a sixty-year-old man named Daniel, who lives with his only daughter inside of her two-bedroom house. Now Daniel can still walk and talk, but he started losing his memory since his wife died three years at the age of fifty-seven due to a brain tumor. Mr. Malcolm had never been the same since she died. So, Malcolm, daughter pays Samantha ten dollar an hour to watch him until she gets off work which until ten thirty. Samantha doesn't work has the weekends and that when she has time to spend with a four-year-old daughter.

A sizzling sound was heard as Samantha places her purse down on dining room table. Samantha races into the kitchen to see Mr. Malcolm cooking eggs "me. Malcolm, I was going to cook you breakfast" "good morning Sam" that the nickname he gave her because it's hard for him to pronounce her name. "Need any help" "no Sam, why don't you sit down and relax" "I wish I could but I have to grab your shower essentials for your morning bath". "Okay", now Mr. Malcolm can still do his daily routine it is just it is hard for him to remember. I head to Malcolm bedroom, I grab this small bag filled with all of his bath essentials and I grab his two wash rags. I take all his stuff into the hallway bathroom. Mr. Malcolm are you ready?

"Just plated some food for after my bath" "okay sir I'll be waiting". Mr. Malcolm enters the bathroom a couple minutes later " just wash the dishes" "good a clean kitchen is the best" Samantha said with a smile. Mr. Malcolm gets to undress and he steps into the tub and sits down on this bench his daughter paid to have built so her dad washes his body without worry about slipping in the tub. Samantha fills halfway with water "not too hot and just the way I like it, thank you sam". Samantha grabs his soap which was in a small plastic zip lock bag. She unzips the bag and rubs the soap all over his rag for his body. Samantha rubs the rag against his back first.

"Sam" how is your four-year-old daughter doing? "She's in Pre-K" "wow she started school already" "yep". Samantha turns the warm water on an rinses the soap off his back and then start cleaning the front of him. When Samantha rubbing the rag against his private part, she got scared. " are you okay Sam" "yes Malcolm" "then you shouldn't be scared to clean my dick" "Mr. Malcolm" Samantha said with a gasp "you heard me say dick before" "no you always say penis" "it doesn't matter". Samantha rubs some more soap onto the rag and clean around Mr. Malcolm dick and then started cleaning his dick when she started getting wet. Samantha gives Mr. Malcolm baths and showers like every day, and never felt this way. Samantha stares at Mr. Malcolm eight or nine-inch penis she never checks to see what size it was. "You like what you see," Mr. Malcolm said snapping Samantha out of her daydream "sorry sir" "don't call me sir, you know I like to call Malcolm or Mr. Malcolm whichever you prefer". "Mr. Malcolm I am going to wash you off and then you can get dress" "okay". Samantha washes Mr. Malcolm face then she washes his whole body off with his new retractable shower head his daughter brought him to use. Like the tub was spotless, his stacks up on good cleaning products to keep their bathroom clean. "Mr. Malcolm's done" Mr. Malcom couldn't hear her. Samantha looks up to see Mr.Malcolm looking down at her boobs. "Malcolm," Samantha said covering her boobs with her hands "sorry I was daydreaming about something" what were you daydreaming about Mr. Malcolm "nothing," he said with a smirk.

"I'll let you get dress, I'll be in the den", Samantha leaves and head into dry. Samantha searched through the tv channels when Malcolm enter the room dress in shorts and a tee shirt. Malcolm sits next to Samantha " let's watch a movie" Malcolm said "sure you pick the movie" Malcolm said. Malcolm pick a romantic movie "we never watch the romantic movie before" "I use to love watching these with my wife Eve. Romantic movies always made her smile or cry" "how romantic". The movie started playing when the movie played the sad parts Samantha started crying and like she cried. Samantha cries a lot during the romantic movie, but never in front of a guy, one of ex's use to make fun of her for that. But she is crying in front of a man, and he is not saying anything. Do you have any tissue ? " sure, I'll go grab some". Malcolm gets up he walks over to his hallway closet. He grabs a box of puff face tissue from a stack of tissue boxes.

Malcolm opens the box of tissues and hands the box to Samantha "thank you Mr. Malcolm", Malcolm sits closer to Samantha. When the movie ended Samantha stand " you pick the movie while I go use the restroom" Samantha said. Samantha leaves the room and Malcolm picks a scary movie to watch. "You ready to die" Malcolm said as Samantha walks over "what". Malcolm grabs Samantha by the waist and she screams as he pulls her onto the couch. "Slow down old timer" "I am not that old I just turn sixty this year" "and I'm turning twenty-five tomorrow" "I forgot tomorrow your birthday which is on a Friday and you have to watch me instead of spending time with your daughter" "Denise told me that she gets off work around five so I will be able to go home early. Also, I am taking my daughter to the arcade tomorrow afternoon, then later that night I don't know what I am going to maybe I might sit home" "you should get all dolled up and head out to the club with some friends of yours" "I don't hang out with my friends like that anymore".

"Ahh" Samantha screams wrapping her arms around Mr. Malcolm waist. "Sam it's just a movie" "this is too much blood and body parts for me,

" Malcolm laughs " what so funny" "you", Malcolm replied with a laugh ." Stop laughing at me" Samantha said with her whining voice "stop whining, daddy here to protect you," Malcolm said. "Did you just call yourself my daddy" "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to say that" "it's okay Mr. Malcolm, I really don't care what you call yourself" Samantha said, "as longest your not offended by it" Malcolm said "why would I daddy" Samantha reply.

"I'm home," Denise said "hi Samantha" "hi Denise. So I get off around five thirty instead of five tomorrow. Also, I will transfer your check to your bank account tomorrow since tomorrow is payday" "thank you ma'am" "you don't have have to call me ma'am, I am not that old. Denise will be better" "sorry Denise, well I should go I have a four-year-old at home waiting for me to read her a bedtime story if she still awake". "Well goodnight," Denise said "dad it's time for bed," Denise said, "Goodnight Malcolm, good Sam," they both say. Samantha leaves, she walks over to her car she gets in, and she backs out Denise driveway and drives home.

The next day Samantha arrives early "your here early" "yeah" "wait don't you have to drop your daughter off to school" "my best friend said, she'll drop her off to school on her way to work. My best friend and I share apartment" "your daughter has her own room" "no we share a room, but I did see a house on sale and I might buy it when I get the right amount of money to pay for it. You and your dad can always visit one day" " thanks, but no I don't become friends with people who work for me" "okay" Samantha said. "Sam," Malcolm said as he enters the hallway good morning Malcolm" "well I'll be heading out" Denise said. Denise leaves "what a bitch" Samantha whisper to herself, "my daughter does act like one, especially way she treated my last caregiver". "What happens to your last caregiver" "my daughter said she quit, but that not what the caregiver told me. The woman had found a better paying job, and she had a child to take care of. Plus she said she couldn't stand my daughter rude as attitude anymore" "now I see why". So what do you want to do today ? " how about we go swimming" "I don't know Mr. Malcolm your daughter might get mad that I didn't ask her if you can go swimming today" "I'm her dad she not my mom" "okay Mr. Malcolm but I don't have a bathing suit" "Denise have some two-piece bathing suits she bought last year and never worn yet" how old is Denise ? "She's Forty-five" does she have kids? "Yes, two kids but they're staying with their dad for now and Denise does still have custody of them" "I didn't want to know that Mr. Malcolm but who cares "Sam sometimes I ramble on, sorry" "no problem". So what do you want to eat for breakfast Mr. Malcolm ? " just cereal, did you eat yet" "I ate mc.donalds before I got here" "I wish I can eat Mc.Donalds, Denise says fast food bad for me" " I have a sausage mc griddle in my book bag. You can have it". Samantha grabs the breakfast sandwich from her book bag and a jelly packet from her book bag. "Here Mr. Malcolm, around one we can go swimming" "grab one of Denise new bathing suits from her room, there in her second draw on the right side of her room". Samantha head down the hall she enters Denise room, Samantha walks over to her draws. Samantha pulls the second one open to see the draw filled with a bathing suit with tags still on them. Samantha looks at the prices "this woman spends a lot of money on these, but can't help her dad afford to get the best medicine he needs. What a bitch" Samantha thought. Samantha grabs this black lace two-piece bathing suit. Samantha tries it on, the bathing suit was a little tight on her. Samantha weighted a little more than Denise skinny self. Samantha was known for her curves. "Sam it's one pm" Malcolm yells, Samantha didn't know she had stared at herself in Denise full body mirror for half an hour "I'm coming to Mr. Malcolm". Samantha grabs a clean towel from Denise draw, Samantha enters the hallway. Samantha closes the Denise bedroom door and head to the backyard. Samantha enters the backyard "nice pool" "I am going in the hot tub, want to join me" "sure" Samantha said. Malcolm steps into the hot tub and so did Samantha. "Wow, it's hot in here" "I'll turn heat down " thank you Mr. Malcolm" "you welcome".

How do you feel? " I feel like I am getting a massage at a spa. This feels great" "I didn't forget today your birthday, happy birthday Samantha" "you remember my birthday and my name" Samantha said with a smile "I never forgot your name it's just hard for me to say it. I stood up in the dark last night to remember these important things". Samantha gives Malcolm a hug, Malcolm wraps his arms around Samantha's waist.

"Wow, this woman has some thickness on her," Malcolm thought with a bulge in his swim trunks, "Mr. Malcolm," Samantha said. Samantha smiles "you're getting turn on by my body," Samantha said with a smile "yes I am". Samantha reaches into Malcolm trunks and grabs a hold of his dick. Samantha rubs his dick " ahh" he moans they both look at each other which led to them kissing. Samantha kept rubbing his dick "how about we finish this inside Mr. Malcolm" "sure". They both step out the hot tub and head inside. Malcolm pulls Samantha against the wall and he kisses her neck.

"Mr... Samantha moans. Next thing Samantha knew Malcolm lifted her off the ground " hold on to me". Samantha wraps her hands around Mr. Malcolm neck "you a little heavy" "sorry" "no need to be sorry, I use to lift heavier objects". Malcolm carries Samantha to his bedroom when they enter he lays her on his bed. Samantha lifts her body, Malcolm sits next to Samantha on the bed. Malcolm pulls Samantha closer to him, " I been wanting your sexy ass body since yesterday, but I didn't know how to tell you that" "it's okay Mr. Malcolm I'm here now". Malcolm takes Samantha swim stop off, he grabs a hold of her big boobs and squeezes them. Malcolm then twists her nipples and she moans.

Malcolm stands and he takes his swim trunk off revealing his long dick. " Wow, that is a big dick" " yeah it's a ten inch" he with a smirk. "I would of guessing an eight or a nine" "well I am lucky that my dick hasn't gotten smaller with me getting older. Most men dick start getting smaller once they get in their fifties". Samantha grabs a hold of his dick, she licks the top of the head. "Ahh shit" Malcolm moans, Samantha licks the top of his dick again then starts sucking on his balls. "That feels great," Malcolm said, Samantha let's go of his balls and opens her mouth she swallows all of Malcolm dick. Samantha started sucking his dick, Malcolm grabs the back of Samantha long hair. Malcolm push Samantha faces further and she started choking on his dick "Mr..." Malcolm let go of her hair and Samantha pulls her mouth back. " Sorry Sam, I haven't felt a woman body next to mine in so long" "Mr. Malcolm how about I relax and you show me what you got" "okay, but I am warning you I am like the best when comes to sex and this might hurt" "I'm not a virgin" "that not what I meant. Now just lay there and relax". Samantha lays down on his bed, Malcolm rubs his hands up and down Samantha's legs. Malcolm slowly spread Samantha legs apart, and he gets on his knees. Malcolm leans closer to Samantha pussy "you have some big pussy lips" "yeah my mom said I''m the only one out of all her daughters who have big pussy lips" "your lucky" "yeah I'm lucky but I rarely get any sex" "well your getting some today and by a professional" Malcolm said. Malcolm licks her pussy lips and Samantha body started twitching from the touch of Malcolm's tongue.

"Someone is wet for me," Malcolm said, Malcolm wraps his hands around Samantha's legs and pulls her closer. "Ahh fuck" Samantha moans as Malcolm eats her pussy out. Malcolm moves his tongue away from her pussy and insert his middle finger in her and went back to eating her out. He fingers her while eating her pussy out "I am going to cum" Samantha yells in pleasure. A minute later Samantha squirted all over Malcolm bed and the floor. Samantha kept having orgasms after that and Malcolm kept eating her out. Seeing Samantha twitch every time she cum made Malcolm happy to see himself making another female happy again. Malcolm, they stand up, he then lays on top of Samantha they start making out again. "Wait what time is it", Samantha said " two o' clock, we still have time," Malcolm said as his tongue meets Samantha's tongue. Malcolm sticks his finger back in Samantha pussy, fingering her while they make out. "No man ever made cum like this" Samantha said as Malcolm pull away from her lips. Malcolm grabs his dick "you're about the experience what no ever man ever gave you". Malcolm rubs his dick against Samantha pussy and slides it in slowly. Malcolm then lifts Samantha off his bed, he holds her legs and she wraps her legs around his waist. Malcolm fucks her while she in the air " fuuckkk" Samantha moans. Malcolm kept going, Samantha wraps her arms around his neck and leans closer to his chest. "Fuck my pussy harder" Samantha moans, Samantha's legs started to lock up again. "Cum for me, cum for daddy," Malcolm said. Samantha cum and like she cum all.. Malcolm then lays Samantha on his bed. Malcolm turns her to the side and he lays behind her. He then lifts her right leg up a little and slides his dick into her pussy from behind.

Do you love my big cock inside your pussy? "Yes, I do" Samantha moans.

Malcolm kept fucking her when Samantha stop him. With his dick still inside her, Samantha lifts her body and she rides his dick. Malcolm puts hands around her waist and watches as she fucks him. Samantha keeps riding him until she got tired and that when Malcolm took over. Malcolm pounds his dick into her over and over until she cum "daddyyyy..." Samantha moans. When Samantha was tired, Malcolm lifts her and lay her on his bed. Malcolm told her to lay on the bed with her but in the air. "This is going to hurt" "what..." Malcolm rams his dick into Samantha ass " ahh fuck" Samantha said in pain. "The pain will go away in a minute baby girl," Malcolm said as he fucks the shit out of Samantha ass. "I am going to cum," Malcolm said " don't cum in my ass," Samantha said. Malcolm slides his dick out of her ass and Samantha faces Malcolm. She sticks her tongue out, Malcolm rubs his dick a couple of times and squirted out of cum, some landed on Samantha's face and the rest landed on her big boobs. Samantha wipes her face with her fingers and licks Malcolm cum and then licks her boobs clean with her tongue. Samantha and Malcolm lay in his bed wrap in each other arms. "My body hurts," Samantha said, "I told you this was going to hurt," Malcolm said as he kisses Samantha. "So your daughter can't know about this" "yep, she'll fire you quickly" "well that was like the best sex I ever had" "I told you I was the best," Malcolm said. "Can I ask you a question Mr. Malcolm" "sure Sam" can I call you daddy now? "I have no problem with it but what's wrong with Mr. Malcolm" "I like the name daddy better and can you be my daddy, but only if you only want to" "I would love too". What time is it now" Samantha ask "four o' clock" "let's get clean". They both take a shower together which were they had more sex. After the shower, they clean up Malcolm bedroom.

" Good evening Denise," Samantha said "where's my dad" "taking a nap, he felled asleep on the couch while watching tv, so I woke him and took him to his room. He has been asleep for two hours now". What did you two do today? "watch movies" "okay", Denise said with a smirk. " Now I think it's time for you to go also I had transfer your paycheck into your bank account today". Samantha leaves the house and heads over to her car. "Samantha" Denise said as Samantha was getting in her car, "yes" "happy birthday," Denise said as she closes the front door.

That all for part 1 a keep reading, liking, and commenting if want a part two

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