Master's Girl

Master's Girl

She reaches heaven-ward, wrists embraced in the grip of tight restraints while she stands, feet wide apart, anchored to the floor by similar restraints. Around her neck lies the taut band of a ball gag which stops her voice & another band which holds a blindfold over her beautiful soft eyes. She is tethered to 4 rings, two screwed into the floor, sunken into the heavy planks, while the other pair are screwed solidly into the heavy roof beams of the ceiling. Flickering candlelight surrounds her & the soft summer night air wafts over her nakedness. She shivers in anticipation, her ears straining for the sound of Master approaching her. He moves so lightly, breathes so softly; moves with a quiet grace she hadn't expected of a husky older man until she began to know him. The personal ad, the discovering he lived only a few hours away from her, and from the photos on his profile, realised with a start, she'd seen him at munches or gatherings of kink community folks in the city, events she, like he sometimes attended. It was pure shock to her body, when lost in the whisper of the wind & blowing snow outside the window, the large flogger materialized from thin air, contacting her bare back suddenly, drawing a gasp from her that was blocked by the red ball in her mouth. A second time it swished silently through the warm air, connecting solidly with a thud she felt on the small of her back... Finally she felt a slight disturbance in the air, just as the heavy whip connected with her back again. As Master warmed to the pinkening of her skin, His rhythm picked up, His hand in constant motion, as He swung the long thin-stranded floggers side to side, connecting from left & right in a steady thumping like a heartbeat. When she felt her whole back heated like the day she’d fallen asleep in the sun, Master stepped away softly, she heard the heavy flogger falling to the shelf. What would He use next? In her 22 years she'd played, explored, met a few kinksters, who she had a scene or two with, but until the night she met and spent hours talking with the man in his late 40s she now addressed as Master, she had never thought of herself as the kind of girl who was submissive or a slave at heart, just a naughty, kinky young woman. She felt very differently now, less than a year after that first real meeting... A hard short nylon whip, the leathery bite of the cat-o-nine-tails, a paddle, one of the straps maybe - flat leather, webbing, woven leather, the wide suede one? Maybe it would be the paddle, shaped like a cricket bat, or one of the green ash cuttings he had her cut that morning. Heart racing, she tried not to become lost in her anticipation or predict this most unpredictable Man. Expect the unexpected was something she had begun to learn was part of living with Him, His spontaneity, versatility to surprise her in so many ways, so she never knew just what was coming next. Even so, she jumped with a squeal as he applied ice to her heated back, moving slowly from the base of her neck to the crease of her straining butt. He drew shapes & zig-zagged His way over her heated skin with the ice until He reached with His free hand between her thighs, finding the hot wetness, and parting her lips, slid the remaining piece of ice deep inside her. He patted her back dry & went to retrieve something else across the room. He let her hear His step as He stood to her right, and with an almost careless flick, slapped her back with the short leather flogger, the one with the hard leather thongs that left thin raised welts with every slash of that wicked little whip. He made several quick hard slaps with that and walked a pace away, then returned to stand at her left, then stepped back. She felt like she would pass out as the switch cut from green ash came into contact with her butt, hard. She cried out into the gag, as the next lash struck her back angled upward toward her right shoulder blade, then quickly followed by one angled down that fell from her left shoulder toward her right buttock. Across her thighs twice, more across her buttocks, making them burn as she felt the welts rising on her skin. Across the shoulders, the mid-back, the small of her back, lightly, with the tip just hitting the centre of her back there. Then hearing, feeling Him move, He was behind her. She felt the switch touch her inner thigh, the surface slightly rough as it found the juncture, grazing her perineum, pressing between her labia. She moaned as His hand jerked suddenly and the rapid flicking movement made the switch slap suddenly upward to hit her wet labia, striking her engorged clit. It stung like a whole nest of hornets, burned, leaving her feeling her labia swelling, knowing tomorrow she would be trying to sit at her desk on bruised nether lips... and loving Him for the sensation now, and the memories she would recall tomorrow. She sighed with relief as she heard the discarded switch fall to the floor toward the corner she knew was off to her left. She heard his clothes as they were removed, tossed to the chair by the closet door, then felt the sharp slap! as His leather belt struck across her back, once, twice, again & again, up high, down low, & across her raw buttocks. He rained slow long slashes with His belt on her until her legs began to quiver. She felt Him move close behind her, as the belt fell to the floor & His hard work-strong hands grasped her hips as He guided His hard cock between her buttocks. She felt Him probe her plumped wet pussy lips, then the sudden opening of her ass as He drove up into her, lifting her onto her toes with the force of His thrust. She screamed with pleasure-pain as he buried Himself in her all the way, his balls slapping against her ultra-sensitive pussy. His hands gripped tightly as He pounded into her ass, repeatedly, pistoning powerfully, as her pain turned to raw animal pleasure. She felt His hot breath on her back, felt Him bite the soft sides of her neck, marking her, making a thrilled shiver race down through her body to her crotch. She felt His lust in each powerful pounding lunge inside her body. She felt herself slipping away, the pain of the whipping mingling into the fullness inside her lower abdomen. She felt the rawness of her back rubbing against His hairy chest as He ground His hard cock into her willing ass. Again He bit her, harder this time, then on the other side of her neck, so powerfully she wondered if He'd break her skin with His teeth. Shivering at the thought, the heaven it would be to die in her Master's arms, while He took His pleasure of her body. This was her heart, her desire, her dream, to serve her One... To be His for the rest of her life, to willingly, joyfully give her love, her life itself as a slave to Him. Her One and only, the only Man she'd ever loved, the only One who’d ever touched her, to whom she had given her body in all ways, for all time for His pleasure and in His service. She came hard as reality jarred her back from her reverie. She felt the last fast deep thrusts inside her, the pulsing spasms as He unleashed His warm cum into her. His fingers dug in her hips as he released His breath in a long sigh as another spasm shook His body, His warm cum gushing inside her in slower pulses. He held her close as His body relaxed & she felt Him soften His grasp on her. He reached up to un-clip her wrist restraints from the chains hanging from the rings in the ceiling, bent to un-clip her ankles. "Go use the washroom girl, " He said, "I'll be into help wash your back in a minute." Staggering to the washroom on shaking legs, she felt a warm glow inside. The self-discovery in those first conversations, her responding to his invitation to visit His big old house in the country that coming weekend, and the awakening inside her mind swept along by the betrayal of her body... She had always felt average, yet He saw something more in her, treated her like the purest gold, but made sure she never forgot who was the Owner, or who was owned by Him... It swam back through her mind how far He brought her that first weekend visit, so much that she returned the following one and the following one, and the conversation the third weekend. She recalled His offer to her, the invitation to come and become owned, to walk out of her old life working in the city, into His house, and a less stressful job only several minutes away from the house. She recalled His coming with his pickup after the second week, when she'd worked her notice period at her former job, loading her things into his big pickup, Him holding the door for her as she climbed into the cab & nestled into that big seat. The unloading her things, her moving in so rapid and natural feeling within a week it felt like a year or more, not the mere seven days, and starting the new job close by the following week. Oh how much she loved this Man, her unlikely match who was without any doubt was her One, her only, her true Master... The One she would care for, who cared for her even as He released His frustration on her body with lash, whip & floggers and His body. He was her dream come true.he was the dream she discovbered daily awakening within herself, and as she was standing, she touched her fingertips lightly to her collar, the one that never came off, marking her publicly as His for life.

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