Hot tub encounter

Hot tub encounter

I live alone now and enjoying the solitude for now. It was late at night and a cool night so I decided to take a soak in my hot tub. I don't have a privacy fence but I am backed up to a conservation area and just had older ladies living on either side. They went to bed early and had turned off their lights.
I didn't want to soak in my swim trunks so I slid them off and entered the hot tub. The only light was a glowing light that was powered by solar panel mounted on top like you line your walkway to the entrance but I had put one near the hot tub. I knew that no one could see me naked as I slipped into the hot water and settled down and started to stroke my semi erect cock.
I soon heard a knock on my screen door to the pool cage. I looked around and saw my neighbor standing at my door a few feet from the tub. Her name is Beth, short for Elizabeth. She asked if she could join me as she opened the screen door and entered wearing a robe and carrying a towel. I studdered a few times and said ok, but please turn around and hand me my bathing suit. She looked at me and I was sure she could see my cock that I had worked up to full erection. She smiled, no need I prefer to soak naked as she shed her robe and pulled her bathing suit off and tossed it aside.
She was an older woman in her late sixties or so but her body was well kept and she had small breasts with little sag and nice large nipples. As she started to grab the rail she was a little shakey so I stood up and moved to the steps and grabbed her hands as she went down the steps and ended in my arms and her body was totally against mine and I could feel her nipples poking my chest. There was a long pause and I started to sit down and she did the same as she lowered herself between my legs as I made room for her ass between my thighs. Her ass crack was sitting on my hardon and she made no attempt to move off him. She then grabbed my hands and placed them on her tits and I could see that this was going to be quite a soak. She asked me if I liked her nipples and I answered yes as I worked my fingers to softly pinch them. She told me her late husband always complained the her boobs were too small, "What do you think?" I tried to be a gentleman and said, "Your breasts were very firm." She then told me that her late husband called them boobs. I asked her if she wanted me to call them boobs and she said, "No, I just was saying that is what he called them but that she liked them to be called tits!
I let one hand float down the her mon's venus and her fur was sparse but long as I slid my fingers along the outside of her pussy lip slowly back and forth. She then took my other hand from her tit and placed it in her lap and I used that hand to stroke the outside of her other pussy lip and I heard a slight moan come from her lips. She asked me if I liked stroking her snatch??? and I asked, "you mean you pussy? She said "Yes if that's what you call it. My hubby always called it my snatch. He would never say vagina or pussy, it was my snatch."
She then asked me to rub between her pussy lips and I moved to feel the inside of her pussy and it was wetter than the water we were in if that's possible. She was now starting to squirm on my hard cock and it was rubbing against her asshole stimulating us both but I don't think she was aware of anything but my fingers inside her "snatch". I found her swollen clit and I held it between my thumb and first finger as I asked her what he called this. She said it was her nub. As she said it I pinched it to get a rise from her and she squeeled slightly.
I then placed my fingers of one hand into her pussy and with the other hand I gently rubbed her "nub" causing her to spread her legs further wrapping them around my legs. I spread my legs apart and that spread her pussy wide open while I began to pick up speed and pressure on her "nub". I could tell she was nearing a climax and she did soon after that.
She then slid off my lap and down to the bottom making her head got under the water. She quickly turned around and was on her knees between my legs. She reached down and held my cock in her hands and was playing with it and feeling it all over. She asked me if I liked to have my dick played with and I corrected her by raising my hand up and sticking out my little finger crooked slightly and said, " this is my dick, " and then I stuck my middle finger straight and said, "this is my cock, which would you rather play with?" She grabbed my extended middle finger and brought it to her mouth and gave it a tiny blowjob. She then asked me to sit on the edge of the hot tub so she could see it better. I knew what was cumming so I sat up and she forced my legs apart by placing her hands on my knees and pushing them wide apart. She then leaned down and started to lick and kiss my cock and soon she had it between her lips and was teasing the tiny slit in the tip. I started to pump out some precum and she was loving it. She soon took the head in her mouth and soon she was gobbling up my stiff fully loaded cock with one fine blowjob. I couldn't hold out any longer and I warned her I was going to cum. She made sure that I didn't pull it from her mouth, she wanted every drop and she got it.
I soon recovered and took it away from her and stood up. I told her it was her turn to sit on the top and allow me to eat her "snatch". I got the feeling that her husband didn't eat her snatch because she was beside herself and I licked, nibbled and sucked her clit until she had another orgasm. We soon sat and talked and she brought up the subject of the feeling she got from sitting on my dick and I told her that discussion would have to wait until the next time I have the hot tub by myself and to make sure she went to the bathroom before she came over and to be as clean as she could be. We got out and dryed off and I walked her over to her back door (no pun intended... maybe a little)

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