Very Hot Wife 1

Very Hot Wife 1

Very Hot Wife 1

This story is true, it took place over an 18 month period, only his name has been changed the rest is the way the encounter occurred, and I have the tapes to refer to for accuracy. This is the recount of her first affair. This is the second date for Joyce and John.

My wife is 35 years old, five foot, long blond hair, 38dd breasts and a great ass. Here ass is virgin and which she has denied me but love to suck cock and swallow cum. I figures it was a fair trade off.

Joyce and I were eating dinner on Friday night, have you heard from John? No and I really thought I would have. Well I set up remote cameras so I can video tape it and then he will not feel funny about me being there. I can’t believe what he told me. You mean about not really bring able to come knowing I was in the room. Yeah I can’t imagine what it would be like if he didn’t feel self conscious, he fucked me senseless. It took two days for me to walk right, and I still had cum in my hair until Thursday. Call him, you think? Why not all he can say is no. OK

Joyce dialed the number and put it on speaker, hello there, hi babe just thought I’d call and see how you were? I’m good the sack is full but, well why don’t you come over and I’ll clean it out completely for you. I was heading out to go fishing overnight with my uncle. Joyce smiled winked at me and said you could spend the night with me, Al’s sick so I don’t want to be in that room anyway. I’d love to, we will be alone right? you got that right. OK it’s seven thirty I’ll be there by nine, see you later sweetie.

Help me with cleaning up and then I want to get dressed, ok what are you going to wear? Not sure yet give me some time. I’ll finish up down here go get ready.

About a half hour later I went up stairs, it was eight fifteen and he was due at nine. Joyce was standing there in a white lace bra which let most of her 38s out, the only thing they covered was her nipples. White lace panties, white garter belt and white stockings and white five inch hi heels. She turned and looked at me, what do you think, you look great, thanks I hope he appreciates this look. If he doesn’t he’s dead.

We decided to have a couple of drinks until he arrived, Joyce had gone down stairs so I could adjust the sound on the hidden cameras and check the zoom angles.

Ok it’s 9:15 where is he, relax he’ll be here. The door bell rang, her face lit up and she was up, show time babe, have fun, oh I will. Remember if you can sneak back into my room for a peak to see me, ok honey.

She headed off down stairs and I watched the camera, she opened the front door and he stepped in, door closed and he looked at her and said wow great look. Only for you babe, for next five minutes he had is tongue down her throat and one hand on her tit and the other in her crotch. She was rubbing his cock and moving her hips which showed beyond a doubt that she was getting very excited by the action. They finally broke apart and she asked do you want a drink? Yes and lets sit down, ok sit I’ll get us drinks. As she walked away she looked over her shoulder smiled and said, I’ve already got a wet stain because of you, hey let me see. She turned and walked back to where he was seated. She proudly displayed he crotch. He kiss her clit and said oh yeah it‘s wet she just smiled and went to get there drinks.
Once on the sofa they talked about there last encounter. John I had a wonderful time that night, you come in quarts and I love it, and you feel great when your in me. I really love your cock.

Joyce why don’t we go upstairs? I’d love to I’m so glad you asked.
Once in the room they closed the door and John said alone at last. They laid down on the bed he started rubbing he pussy while she jerked his cock slowly. Off came his pants and shirt revealing a large hadon, she was out of her bra and her panties just as quickly.

Al had the camera zoomed in on Joyce’s crotch which John was slowly rubbing. As her clit and cunt lips got wetter the camera was so good he could see the moisture. Joyce and John were both breathing heavily and Joyce said fuck me baby, please fuck me now.
As he mounted her the camera gave a good view of the cock she was about to receive. It was at least 8 or 9 inches long and fat. In it went after a couple of strokes he pushed and he was ball to the wall in, she was crying fuck me and oh god it feels great. She had two orgasms and while the third was building he said I’m cuming Joyce, he eyes shot open as he started to shot warm, wet cum into her cunt. She went over the edge and had her third orgasm. They both laid there for a while, she was giggling and saying god my cunt feels soaking wet, let me put my panties on so we don’t stain the bed, ok. Panties on. She said I love your cock and the way it feels in me. Am I nice and tight for you? You sure are.

Would you feed you some cum? I’d love to but how, she put two pillows under her head so she was tilted up, now as I drain feed it to me. For the next 10 minutes he feed her warm cum, she would open her mouth he would put a glob on her tongue, she would smile swallow and open her mouth back up.

Every so often she would lean down put the head of his cock in her mouth swirl her tongue around it and let it plop out. He would kiss her clit until it would start to rise and then pull back.

After about a hour she smiled kissed him on the lips and said I’m going to the bathroom, ok I’ll wait, want another beer or something? Just your pussy when you get back, that you will have. On second thought a beer too. Ok.

She stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door the beers were in the fridge in her bedroom where Al was so in she came.

Joyce you really look well fucked. Believe me I am and plan to get fucked more. He does come in quarts, it a good thing you like cum, your telling me if it was fattening I’ve already gained two pounds.

Hon his cock is really large and if we continue see each other he’s going to stretch me out to accommodate him are you ok with that? Are you? Yes yes yes. OK then Go back and do him, with pleasure.

She was back in the room and his cock was standing straight out and he was slowly jerking it. Hey what are you doing? That’s my job. She grabbed the cock and started slowly pumping it he started kissing he and rubbing he big nipples which were getting hard, after a couple of minutes he turned her around got her on the bed on all fours and put his cock in slow it didn’t take long and he as all the was in and she was moaning , screaming fuck me babe fuck me hard and make me cum and believe me he did. This time they came at the same time, cum was oozing out of her before he was finished. Next what he did surprised me an Joyce. With the cum still all over his dick he pushed it in her ass. She flinched and said oh my god but he was already in all the way. Joyce are you ok, yes just go slow your very big and I’m very tight. They both started grunting and after about five or six minutes he pulled her hips tight to him and yelled her it comes. The look on her face was unbelievable she was actually came again. They collapsed on the bed, plop out came his cock, she quickly got her mouth on it and sucked and licked it clean.

Did you like that? I liked both times pussy and ass, are you going to do my ass a lot? As often as you like. I would like my pussy to always be sloppy before you do my ass ok? OK babe. They laid there for a couple of moments the she smiled and said now I’ve got to go to the bathroom, no way I’m about to feed you cum. Ok I’d rather eat cum anyway. She swallowed cum for the next 20 minutes, cum was in her hair, all over her face and lips, he made sure her nipples were coated and of course her bush was sticky.

I love the way you love swallowing cum Joyce, babe my job is to be sure your nut sack is empty, he kissed her, your doing a great job. Thank you sir I aim to please, and you certainly do. How about a drink? Yeah I’m ready, one or two, two ok. Joyce walked into the bedroom where Al was watching. My god you been fucked in the ass, I know and I came when he came it was great. You are really falling for his cock, sure am.

She came back and John was laying there in bed staring at the ceiling. Deep in thought? Now just thinking about you, well thank you sir. My pleasure.

They laid there for an hour talking about how her pussy felt how she loved to eat cum and how much he was attracted to her. She reached down and slowly started working the big cock, it grew in her hand. In a minute or so it was rock hard. She smiled stuck her tongue in his mouth and said fuck me. He rolled over and sunk his cock into her sloppy pussy once again, this time he made he close her legs. His cock was in all the way and she was moving her cunt up and down on it. Fifteen minutes later she grabbed his head and yelled now he pushed down ,she pushed up and they both groaned. They had both come again. Oh god fuck me she yelled. He rolled off and looked at her, Joyce I can fuck you all night. I’m ready baby love.

Hon feed me, my pleasure. After once again swallowing all the cum he could give her he rolled over and in five minutes was asleep.

Ok let see what Al is doing. Hi hon, Hi he’s asleep I know. Al I’ve come eight or ten time, I’ve actually lost count. He keeps coming I can’t believe it. Let me fuck you to get ride of some come ok. Ten minutes later Joyce was licking the cum off her finger from Al cumming in her. Well where are you sleeping? With him of course, ok see you in the am.

Al didn’t turn the camera off just on the chance thing would heat up. About 5 AM he heard talking, Joyce baby are you awake? yes sweetie what’s up. I really would like a good morning blow job, come here lover. The next 10 minutes she sucked like a hover and then with a groan he was coming. The first shot went down her throat she pulled back so the cock head was at her open month and waited as six more time he erupted. Her month was so full it starting leaking out so she smiled and swallowed. You taste great and that was quite a load is the sack empty ? yes for now I should be going. When Am I going to see you again as soon as I can get away from my wife. When do you think? Well I’ll call you Monday maybe I can swing by for a blow job, I’d like that. Ok

She walked John to the door, kissed him and he was gone.

As the front door closed I came to the top of the stairs and said you’re a mess, I don’t think there is a part of you that doesn’t have cum on it. I know, throw me a robe and I’ll make coffee. OK here but don’t you want to take a shower? Not just yet I love the smell of his sperm on me. Ok Al replied l'll me get dressed and be right down..

She went into the kitchen and smiled, what a great night.

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