(This is set during the last season of “Full House”) This is a picture of Viper: http://dyscalculiaforum.com/billeder/roderi/fullhouse/viper1.jpg This is a Picture of Stephanie (She’s the one in the blue shirt): http://www.flickr.com/photos/84531937@N00/1262543377/ D.J. was sitting down in the kitchen eating an after-school snack, when Stephanie excitedly walked through the door with a big smirk on her face. “What’s wrong with you?” asked D.J. “Why are you acting so goofy? “You’ll never believe what happened to me after school today.” “You were abducted by aliens, and then gang-probed?” D.J. said with an evil grin. “What? What’s wrong with you? No, Bobby Jones asked...
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