Jen's Life - Chapter Six - Part One

Jen's Life - Chapter Six - Part One

Jen’s Life – Chapter 6 – Part one

Various things stick in my mind – and my annual holidays were usually eventful. One year my parents decided to rent a villa in Corfu for 2 weeks, and my Grandpa and uncle were invited to. On the plane I had to sit inbetween my Grandpa and Uncle – and my parents sat on the other side. My Grandpa put my coat over my lap – and quickly pushed my skirt aside, pulling my knickers to one side and pushed a finger straight into me, I gasped out loud as his finger went hard into me. My uncle leaned over and whispered to me “ you’re going to get punished for making a noise” I started to shake as I knew what their punishments meant for me. My uncle grabbed my leg nearer to him, and that meant that my Grandpa had more space to finger me properly. I had to sit still and make no noise as he slowly, then fast pushed one, then two fingers into me.

Grandpa pulled a bit of my coat over to him, and placed my hand on his crotch. I knew he wanted me to stroke his cock. His trousers were already undone, and I slipped my hand inside and pulled on his cock. My Grandpa liked me to do this to him.

The four and a half hour flight seemed to take a lot longer.

When we got to the airport my parents had already booked a minibus to take us to the villa, and when we got in the, my father pulled my mum onto the back seat. I was in-between my Grandpa and Uncle again. I could hear my mum panting behind me, so I knew my father was doing something to her, and when she cried out the driver looked in his rear view mirror to see what was happening. I was going to turn my head around to see if she was ok – but my uncle just said “no” – like he was reading my mind.

After about twenty minutes we went up a dirt track to a great villa, all alone on a mountain side, with a lovely patio area and a big pool. I couldn’t wait to dive in, it was SO hot.

My Grandpa and uncle got out first, and told me to help with the luggage. My father and mum got out next, and I could see my father had been playing with her breasts as her top was pushed down so they were exposed. She was a 36DD, and now as an adult I am only 36C. When they were out the driver had massive eyes staring at my mum, as she stood there – topless. My father shook his hand and said thank you, and then he told my mum to thank him too. She walked forwards to him, and my father said that as a thank you, he could have a little play. His hands went straight to her breasts and squeezed them, playing with her nipples, pulling, twisting them as she just stood there. He bent down and sucked them, licking and sucking them all over. My Grandpa and me got the last bag of luggage out of the car and went towards the villa. My father said thank you again to the driver, and with a final flick of her nipples, he went back into his taxi. My father told him he was welcome to come and visit anytime before our last day when he was picking us up again to take us back to the airport.

We went inside and my father told me and my mum to go into the lounge. Here he set out the rule for the holiday: neither of us were allowed to wear any clothes while we were at the villa. He stood there holding his hands out for our clothes, so we had to strip there and then. He went to look at the bedrooms and put my mum’s clothes in one bedroom, and put mine in another. I was glad I had a double bed. I knew there was another bedroom with single beds, and I thought that would be mine. I asked my father if I could go out to the pool, and he said yes. So I rushed outside and went into the warm water, it was heaven. The French windows were open and I could straight away hear noises of my parents, and then as the breeze blew the curtain, I could see my parents and my uncle on the bed. It looked like my uncle was having his cock sucked as my father was fucking her.

I started swimming about - loving how the sun felt on me. My Grandpa came outside and sat on the pool steps naked. He told me to swim over to him and suck him, so I did. He told me to swim back and forth sucking him every time I reached his end of the pool. I was good at this, my Grandpa told me often… He loves to feel my throat constrict around his cock, and I let him go deeper than I usually would as I wanted him to cum and cum quickly.

I stroked the area between his cock and his bottom with a finger, and my Grandpa pushed my head further onto his cock, and when his balls started to tighten, I knew he was close to cumming.

I sucked and sucked him harder, forgetting about swimming back and forth, just concerned with making him cum. He usually took ages to cum just by sucking him, and I could still hear and see glimpses of my father fucking my mum, and my uncle was still fucking her mouth.

I did what I hate to do – but I knew that it would make my Grandpa cum… I pushed a finger up into his bottom, and wriggled it around. I knew it had worked, Grandpa let out a grunt, and flooded my mouth with his gunk. I knew I had to swallow it, so I gulped it down in one, and lay down in the shallow waters next to Grandpa. Every now and then I looked up and saw mum being played with by my father and uncle. The last time I looked up it looked like both of them were fucking her. I don’t like this – it hurts too much, and Grandpa only does it one or two times a month, usually at my uncles insistence.

My mum came out, and laid on the sunlounger. My Grandpa slowly got up out of the pool and asked mum if she would like some suntan oil on her. It was very hot, and she nodded. Grandpa went into the house and returned with some oil. He told her to turn over so that he could do her back, and slowly covered her all over with the oil, making sure her bum cheeks were covered. He had pushed her legs open to make sure that he could cover it well and had spent ages on her bottom. I think he pushed a finger into her bottom as she let out a squeal, and told Grandpa that it was hurting after earlier. I imagine my father and my uncle both took turns in her bottom. No wonder it was hurting. He told her to turn over, and rubbed the oil in everywhere again, especially on her breasts, and rubbing and squeezing her nipples. I could see she had bite marks over her breasts, and Grandpa made sure that these had lots of oil on them, rubbing and pushing them hard, hard enough so that she was gritting her teeth to stop from making a noise

Grandpa’s hand went down between her legs, and again pushed them open. He poured lots of oil onto her cunny and began rubbing it in, his fingers squishing about as he had put too much oil there. I could see some of his fingers going in and out of mum’s cunny making a loud squelching noise. She looked straight at me, but was looking through me. She was in her own head, and knew about that – I tried to do that sometimes. Mum and I often talked about what we had to do, and to accept that they loved us and wanted to show their love to us, but sometimes in doing that we were both hurt. I knew that her looking right through me was one of those times.

I went back to swimming, leaving Grandpa to finish off putting suntan lotion on her. I knew that I needed some suntan lotion on too, but I was putting it off as much as possible. I thought if I stayed in the water that I would be ok.

My father and I both came outside with drinks, lovely icy drinks, and told me and my mum to come and grab one. I swam over to the side and jumped out. As I took my drink, my Uncle grabbed me by the arm and pulled me onto his lap. I spilt some of my drink down my chest, and my uncle licked it all up, but even after licking it all up he continued licking, sucking and then biting. I liked the licking and the sucking, but the biting, this hurt a lot. My titties had grown a bit, but still puffy and very sensitive, and my nipples were played with every day by either Grandpa or my uncle, pulling, twisting, flicking, licking, sucking or biting them. They were nearly always sore. Mum used to put a warm flannel over them at night to help with the soreness. It did work.

I gulped down my drink and choked. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it wasn’t orange juice and ice. My Uncle started to laugh and told me to finish it off. I sipped it next time, and then sipped it again until it was all gone. My Uncle said that now I was grown up, I could have a drink every now and then. I never realised that he meant alcohol until my mum explained it to me later. I though he was only going to give me a drink every now and then… I used to drink lots of water a day, and was worried that he would stop me.

After a while I started to feel really funny, I could barely keep my eyes open, and when I tried to walk inside to the toilet, I could hardly walk straight.

My father had ordered a food package to be delivered to the villa, so that we could stay in solitude at the villa. I knew that solitude meant alone, so that meant that I would be naked all the time. When I am told to be naked at home, it usually is only when its family at home. If we have visitors, then I have to put a dress on, but not knickers. I am only allowed to wear knickers to my school.

I loved the feeling of the sun on my body, but made sure that I stayed in the shade, as I didn’t want to burn.

It was still hot in the shade, and I had another glass of drink. The next thing I remember is when I woke up, this must have been quite a while later as it was getting dark. Grandpa was on the sunbed next to me pulling on his cock, and as I looked down, my Uncle was between my legs, licking my cunny. I looked across and mum was being bounced up and down on my father’s lap, her breasts bouncing up and down. Mum and I locked eyes, and she gave me a tiny smile.

Grandpa’s hand came over and started to squeeze one of my titties, and my uncle’s hand came up and started to squeeze the other one as his head stayed between my legs. He pushed my knees up so that my feet were flat on the sunbed, and pushed my knees opened up, and then licked and sucked me until I had that lovely tingly feeling again. I loved this. My Uncle rarely gave me the tingly feeling, it was more often Grandpa. He bit my cunny lips and sucked one into his mouth, and kept sucking and biting. I went all tingly and my legs went into jelly. My Uncle said to my Grandpa that he knew I was a pain slut as I orgasmed with him whenever he bit down on my cunny. I lay there absolutely exhausted, my legs falling down onto the sunbed. My Uncle moved off the sunbed and went to lay down on the one the other side. He took hold of my hand and put it on his cock. I knew that he wanted me to stroke it up and down, so I did.

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