
We had just got home from our night out. My husband James open the door and went to the kitchen to get some drinks as I welcome our new friends into our home. We had met Stacy and Brandon at the bar and had became friends rite away. Stacy was a beautiful woman about five foot three beautiful red hair down to her but and a very slim girl. Brandon was a very fit looking guy tall brown hair and a nice build to himself. James came out from the kitchen he had got a bottle of jack out for him and Brandon and brought me and Stacy out some wine we all started talking about different things and ended up talking about sex. Stacy and Brandon seemed to be pretty open about there sex life and some of the stories they were talking about was really starting to get me horny.
Stacy was sitting on the couch next to me and had her hand on my leg while talking, then she started to move her hand up my leg and under my skirt. As she did this I did not resist I was pretty horny at this time. My husband and Brandon were on the other couch still in the conversation but James saw what was going on and seemed to be having a good time. Stacy reached my pussy and I don’t were any panties so she did not haft to try to get around them she lean back to me and started to rub my clit. It was a great feeling I have not been touched by one else except for James down there since we got together. Her hands were so soft and my pussy was so wet by this time that her fingers just glided over my clit as she rubbed me so softly. I could feel her breath on my neck witch sent shivers down my whole body.
I glanced over to see James and Brandon just watching as Stacy had me exposed to them but at this time I did not care, I felt so hot right now. Stacy then slipped a finger into my pussy and started to kiss my neck as she fingered me she kissed across my chest and worked up to my face. I turned my head to her and she cupped my face with her other hand and our lips met for our first kiss. It was great it was like being kissed for the first time again. I grabbed her by the side and brought her closer to me as I ran my hands down her bodie feeling every inch of here. We continued to kiss as I found her waist and started to unbutton her pants. I then work my hand down to her clit, she started to breath harder once I found her clit and started to rub it. She then took her hand away from me and started to take my top off and unsnapped my brawl exposing my breast.
Stacy started to kiss down my chest again until she got to my nipples witch she licked to make them hard and started to suck on the at the same time I slipped a finger down into her pussy witch was very tight and very wet, I got to finger her for only I moment until she came back up to my face and kissed me again and then stood up. She started to undress, the only thing I had left on was my skirt and my shoes so I took them off while she finished undressing. When she finished she gave me a beautiful smile she had a really nice white and strait set of teeth that formed very well to her face. She then grabbed my legs and separated them as she lowed her face down to my pussy. I could feel her breath against my pussy and then I felt her start to lick my clit. It was great she new the best ways to lick around my lips and to tease my clit. I then laid my head back and glanced back over at then almost forgot they were even in the room, they were both just silent watching and I could see both of them were turned on bye this because I could see both of there packages bulging inside of there pants.
I than propped my bodie up for a moment so I could reach Stacy’s waist. I tugged on her for a moment until she swung her bodie around on top of me, now we were in a sixty nine position and her beautiful pussy was rite above my lips. She slowly lowered her self to me as she was eating my pussy. I started to lick around her clit I could feel her twitch a couple of times . she had gotten two fingers into my pussy and was sucking on my clit I could feel my heart starting to race as I knew I was getting close to a climax, I then started to finger her pussy as I licked her clit she moaned as I entered her our stomach were pressed against each other and our breathing was almost as one. I then smelled cinnamon as someone had lit some candles and then the lights went off, right at this time I came to my climax, I let out a long moan as came so hard stacy kept going as I squirted and came all over ther and the couch she did not seem to care about how much I came this just seemed to turn her on more so I buried my face into here pussy reaching my tounge into her as far as I could. She started to breath harder and I could feel here bodie starting to tense up and after a moment she started to mone and just released herself as she came. As I pulled my face away I noticed someone next to me. He started to kis me and I could tell it was not james it was Brandon this brought butterflies to my stomach as it was exciting and I did not know were james was.
As we broke from the kiss he starter to lisck stacys pussy and then I could feel someone else starting to lick me, it was james. It felt so great, I could see in the dim candle lite Brandon package in his pants so I reached over to him, his shirt was off, it took me a moment to to undo his belt and then I unboton him and in one motion I pulled his pants and under were down, he was huge. I grabed his dick and started to him, I could not get my fingers to tuch around his dick it was so thick. I thin placed his dick into my mouth, it was so big I was not sure if I could get much of it in my mouth but I tried at the same time I could feel james dick rubbing between my pussy lips as stacy was sucking the tip of his dick.
Then stacy sat up and turned around to me, she leand down and started licking the side of brandons dick helping me suck his dick, she sliped her hand down between our stomachs and I could feel her grab james dick and help guide him into her. I could then feel him start pumping into her and I could see she loved the feeling of his cock, she then started to finger my pussy agin as she help me suck brandons cock. Stacy started to moan as she came to another climax James pulled out and and he did she came all over my pussy, he cum was so hot on my clit I let out a scream and came at the time. Stacy pulled her fingers out from me and stood up and James pulled me up and rolled me over into the doggie style postion. James then laid underneath me licking my pussy cleaning up mine and Stacy’s cum I felt I could see Brandon had made his way down there as well as he had gotten behind me. Then I felt my husband hand reach up.
I could feel Brandon’s dick pressing against my pussy lips as James continued to lick my clit James spread my lips and help to guide Brandon’s dick into me. It was so big. Just the tip of his dick was stretching my pussy more open then it had ever ben. Stacty was beside me kissing me and rubbing my nipples I could feel James licking my pussy and trying to lube brandons dick with his saliva and my wetness. Brandon was very gentle on me as he eased into me very slowly after a moment I pushed back onto his dick and buried as much as I could o him into me. It hurt at first but it felt so good it felt like I was over filled and my pussy did not know what to do. Brandon started to pump in and out of me , I could feel my pussy lips move in and out with his cock in every thrust I was cumming with almost every pump he made into me. I could tell James was loving it as well, he was still licking up my pussy and I could feel his tongue brush across Brandon’s shaft every once in a while to get a taste of our sex.
Stacy had gooten up and joind them she had started to eat my ass witch just sent me over the edge I did not care what they did to me now I was all theres. As stacy eat my ass I could feel her start to finger me as well it was incrediball and the Brandon started ti stiffen up I felt his dick start to get harder in me witch made me cum agin and my pussy tighen down onto his dick and then I felt his dick start to pulse as he clenched onto my he filled me full of his cum, I let out a scream it was so intence. He finished in me and Stacey pulled me up as I sat on James face, he cleaned me out licking out all of mine and Brandon’s cum from my pussy. As soon as he was done he climbed out from under me and made me stand up Brandon laid down on the couch he was still hard and James told me to ride him, I was not sure if I could take much more. Stacy was sucking Brandon’s cock now but reached for me and help guide me back onto his cock. Had his cock in one hand and helped guide it into me, as I slid onto his cock and stated pumping my bodie on his dick she was rubbing the rest of his dick. I then felt Brandon me behind me as he bent me over he started to lick and fingered my ass. Stacy had moved to the front of us almost sitting on Brandon’s face, me and Brandon were eating he ass and pussy out together. I felt James getting more fingers into me, I had never really had anal before except for being fingered and James licking my ass but I was feeling like I could do it.
James then pulled his fingers out from me and I could feel the tip of his dick start to enter me. My whole bodie started to go crazy now, I was shaking. I could feel him slowly trying to pump his dick into my ass, I reached around behind me and grabbed his cock and helped him get it in me. As he got deeper into me I could feel both there dicks rubbing together in me the only thing separating them was a thin peace of flesh in me. It was the greatest feeling ever I was starting to scream wen I notice I was screaming Brandon’s name. Stacy mad it to another climax and came so hard on us she than laid down next to the couch as James and Brandon finished in me. I felt James start to tense up in me and the Brandon’s dick got harder as well. Then it almost seemed like they both came at the same time, I could feel there hot come filling me up I then climaxed so hard I could feel my pussy and my ass squeezing there dicks.
we laid there for a while silent. then we all got up and cleaned our self's up. we then traded phone numbers and said our good nights to each other. we walked James and Stacy to the door and then went to bed. i had never felt so good in my life and so close to my husband i cant wait to do this agin.

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